20 research outputs found

    Trayectorias: a new model for online task-based learning

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    This paper discusses a framework for designing online tasks that capitalizes on the possibilities that the Internet and the Web offer for language learning. To present such a framework, we draw from constructivist theories (Brooks and Brooks, 1993) and their application to educational technology (Newby, Stepich, Lehman and Russell, 1996; Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese, 1993); second language learning and learning autonomy (Benson and Voller, 1997); and distance education (Race, 1989; White, 1999). On the one hand our model balances the requirements of the need for control and learning autonomy by the independent language learner; and on the other, the possibilities that online task-based learning offer for new reading processes by taking into account new literacy models (Schetzer and Warschauer, 2000), and the effect that the new media have on students’ knowledge construction and understanding of texts. We explain how this model works in the design of reading tasks within the specific distance learning context of the Open University, UK. Trayectorias is a tool that consists of an open problem-solving Web-quest and provides students with ‘scaffolding’ that guides their navigation around the Web whilst modelling learning approaches and new learning paradigms triggered by the medium. We then discuss a small-scale trial with a cohort of students (n = 23). This trial had a double purpose: (a) to evaluate to what extent the writing task fulfilled the investigators’ intentions; and (b) to obtain some information about the students’ perceptions of the task

    Fractura-luxación de calcáneo Duparc tipo II tras traumatismo banal. A propósito de un caso

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    La fractura-luxación de calcáneo tipo II de Duparc es una lesión infrecuente y a menudo producida tras un traumatismo banal.Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 39 años diagnosticada de este tipo de fractura-luxación en la que el diagnóstico pasó inicialmente desapercibido y se confirmó mediante proyecciones radiológicas (Rx) axiales y tomografía axial computarizada (TAC).La paciente fue intervenida quirúrgicamente tras un año de la lesión mediante reducción del trazo de fractura, osteosíntesis y artrodesis subastragalina.Al año de la cirugía, deambula sin ayuda de bastones y se ha incorporado a su vida laboral y social.Calcaneus fracture-dislocation Duparc type II is a rare lesion and often caused by a banal traumatism. We present a 39 year old patient diagnosed with this type of fracture-dislocation. The diagnosis was initially undetected and was confirmed through axial radiographs and CT scan.The patient was surgically treated after a year of the initial lesion. Reduction of the fracture, ostheosynthesis and subtalar arthrodesis was performed.One year after the surgery the patient wanders without aid and has incorporated to his work and social life

    Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) for distance language learning: shifting tutor roles in a contested space for interaction

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    This article describes the rationale for pedagogical, technological and organisational choices in the design of a virtual learning environment (VLE) for an upper-intermediate Spanish course with regard to the roles of participants (tutors, moderators and learners). We report on findings from a preliminary evaluation of the interaction between the different actors and this space, using quantitative and qualitative data obtained from interviews, questionnaires and analysis of usage logs. We look at the tensions that emerge as tutors and learners adopt new roles and engage in new pedagogical relationships around the opportunities afforded by this kind of teaching and learning space. We argue that our attempt to promote interaction through our VLE model has resulted in a contested space where traditional hierarchies and relationships between tutors and learners are in a state of flux and where new hierarchies and relationships are constantly being forged. Finally we explore new ways in which tutors’ roles might be organised to more effectively fulfil their supportive and facilitative functions in this new online environment